Tuesday, May 29, 2007


It's hard to believe that this man has endured 22 intravenous chemos! His bloodwork today was actually in the normal range in red cells, white cells, and platelets. He asks..."then why do I feel like shit??" The answer..."this is chemotherapy".

It was a pretty good weekend. Jon and Kelsey camped and jeeped with Levi but Jon was ready to head home with fatigue and swollen feet by the time I arrived on Saturday. We spent Memorial Day in Seattle at the Sculpture Park and Folk Life Festival. Jon was beat by the end of the day but is back in excellent spirits by Tuesday morning.

His message for today...."Keep those prayers coming"

Four more chemos to go until the PET scan. Probably onto Tarceva and Interferon in July. Tarceva is oral chemo, Interferon is a subdermal immune booster. Both are self-administered and don't require one day a week hooked up to an IV bag.

1 comment:

Staci said...

Are we really going to try Tarceva again???? The prayers and positive thoughts are still coming Dad.