Wednesday, June 4, 2008


We sort of, kind of received the PET scan results last night and today. There seems to be a lot of discrepency between the reports and I don't think I will feel satissfied until I can look at the written report that should be faxed to me tomorrow. As best we can tell this scan shows some improvement over the last, the question remains exactly how much. We are moving forward with the isotopes and are now just waiting for the scheduling department to give us a call. My expectation is that Jon will have the "mock procedure" next Thursday and the "real deal" the following Tuesday. We remain optimistic about the outcome.

Jon made it through the entire day today without a nap. That is the first in many months, although by the time I got home from work he had crashed. He hasn't gained any more weight but his color looks good and he's starting to get a little peach fuzz on his head.

At this point we are awaiting instructions from the University of Washington. In addition to the isotopes we will also be planning a radiofrequency ablation for the small tumor in his lung. More to come in the following days....

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