Saturday, June 6, 2009

How Do I Feel???

For weeks everyone has been asking me how I feel and I finally came up with an accurate description....

I feel like Dorothy in The Wizard of Oz that has been sucked up in a Tornado for the last 3 years and just got dropped in the middle of Kansas. Hard to know what to do next.

I continue to be appreciative of all of the love and support given to me by my friends, family, colleagues and coworkers. You all continue to inspire me and will help me figure out this Yellow Brick Road

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Along the yellow brick road you will be greeted by old friends and some new friends. When you understand and accept their guidance you will make it to the Emerald City. All along the way you will be challenged, afraid and sad. But those friends will hold you up, help you stand and skip you past the dark parts. But they will never let you forget the man you loved!!!!