Tuesday, June 5, 2007

I Knew He Was Full of S#%!

This has probably been Jon's worst week since he got out of the hospital. He went to bed on Thursday and stayed there until Monday morning. He has been exhausted and experiencing abdominal pain which has caused some concern. Today he is feeling much better after taking a special "Maryjane Voodoo Cure" designed to clean-out the liver, gall bladder, and colon.

We are back at chemotherapy today. All of the doctors have come in to evaluate Jon and have concluded that his abdominal pain is some type of gastrointestinal irritation or blockage and not tumor related. Just to be sure he is having an ultrasound and x-ray this week. If any problems persist Dr. Chue will move up the PET scan/CT scan. His red count and white counts are excellent but his alkaline phosphotase is slightly elevated (also GI related). He has no pain today and his energy level is back to normal on the "cancer scale". We are looking forward to a better week!

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