Wednesday, June 13, 2007


Jon received a fairly good spanking from the physicians assistant at chemo yesterday. He does promise to do the abdominal x-rays and take Zantac twice a day for the next week (he's had terrible heartburn all week). I think he just likes all of this female attention so he acts up on purpose!

We have a little more information on the Interferon. Apparently most of the patients have little or no side effects and it does and excellent job of boosting the immune system. After the PET scan Jon can expect to be on Tarceva for one week to one month and Interferon for 3 months (providing the tumors have continued to shrink as expected). At the end of the three months they will rescan him to insure that the cancer has not grown or returned. If it has he will need more intravenous chemo, if not he will continue on the Interferon for a year. They feel that it is realistic for Jon to expect to guide in Alaska this October, however we will have to await all of these results.

Keep up the prayers and positive thoughts. Although he is tired and his stomach hurts, he continues to amaze all the docs with his progress

1 comment:

Staci said...

Ha! Dad got a good spaking - HA! probably wasn't picking up his dirt bombs!!!! HA!

Anyhoo, guiding in October like nothing, huh?