Jon was supposed to be gone for 12 days so I completely filled up my time this week getting caught up on things at work and home in preparation for his next surgery. As it turned out he returned home after a couple of days because he was just too tired to do all the things he would need to on a pack-in hunting trip. It was a big disappointment for him but I'm glad to see he is exhibiting a little common sense instead of running himself down before the next surgery. Jon did get to sleep on the ground, under-the-stars a night or two so that always makes him happy. He's been whining all week that I haven't spent anytime with him but I keep reminding him that he's supposed to be gone and I don't have him on my schedule until Wednesday night :)
His final embolization surgery will be Thursday, September 25th. I've sent all of his records/ct scan to the appropriate doctors and am formulating the next step in his treatment plan. There are multiple small tumors in his lungs that will need to be addressed after he recovers from the embolization. The choices for treatment are oral chemo, IV chemo, or radiofrequency ablation. I've already talked to Dr. Reilly and am waiting to hear back from Chue and Gosswami. Reilly reminded me not to make too big of a deal about the lungs otherwise the UW might put the kibosh on the last embolization. Sometimes I forget about the "corporate slaugherhouse" mentality so it's good that I have Dr. Reilly to keep me in reality. The final call on the next procedure will be by Dr. Chue. He will be reviewing Jon's scans this week and we have an appointment with him in October. Jon has not regained all of his strength and weight from the last procedure so I'm expecting the next few weeks will be pretty tough. When I look at his last CT scan there is very little cancer in his liver but it is absolutely full of chemo. I hope and pray that this next procedure isn't as difficult for him since there is so little cancer left to kill. You just never know until you're there.
I'm still photographically challenged but I did manage to get a picture of Jon from our last backpacking trip in August. He looks even better now with a full head of hair.
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