Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Tumor Markers

All week I've been stewing about Jon's lungs. Are those tumors? How many nodules can Dr. Gosswami blast with radiofrequency ablation? Does he need more systemic chemo? etc. etc. etc. I have to say that the cancer rollercoaster has a way of wearing you down.

I still don't know the answer to those questions (my project for tomorrow) but we did have a bit of good news today. After nearly 18 months of treatment, Dr. Chue finally discovered a tumor marker that was elevated in Jon's blood. This is helpful because it gives us a way of monitoring the cancer without scans. A normal value for his AFP (alpha feto protien) is <8. Jon's was previously in the 40s at its best and as high as 90 in the recent months. After his last embolization the marker dropped to its ever been!

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