Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Today we had the pleasure of meeting with both Dr. Chue and Dr. Reilly. Honestly, the two of them never cease to amaze and impress me! Our visit started with a warm reception from the entire staff; keep in mind that none of them have seen us since the end of May. There were yelps, hugs, and lots of joking around. Jon has many "girlfriends" at the clinic and they all came out to give him a bad-time and ask me how I can possibly put up with him?!

Dr. Chue was first and he started the visit by handing me a paper on pancreatic cancer that he has assigned me to have published for him while he is off to have his glaucoma surgery. It is essentially the story of 4 year survivor Aaron Barret and needs to be told both to the cancer community and to the world. He was turned down by his first submission and is completely pissed off about the entire thing. I've started my preliminary research tonight and am determined to make this happen. As I was hoping, Dr. Chue requested a PET scan and we will have that ASAP so he can review it before he takes his leave. At this point we are most concerned with controlling the systemic disease and focally treating the lung lesions. The type of treatment will depend on the results of the PET scan. Our first choice is a treatment called Photodynamic Therapy that uses laser to "zap" the lung tumors. We do not know yet if Jon is a candidate or where it is available but I'm working on both of those issues tonight.

Next we saw Dr. Reilly who fine-tuned all of Jon's supplements. He is currently focusing on Jon's digestive system and weight gain (the man is 165 pounds-not good). Next he prescribed the supplements that inhibit cancer growth and stimulate the Natural Killer Cells that will ultimately "eat up" the cancer and cell debris.

We are all anxiously awaiting the PET scan results and the liver MRI in November. Dr. Chue did not want Jon to take any of the oral chemo right now. He says it is too experimental at this point. He has also outlined a systemic chemo program should that become necessary in his absence. He also gave Jon his blessing to have "time-off" until January to regain his weight, strength and motivation before moving forward with any treatment.

Please keep Dr. Chue in all of your prayers. The man is truly a genius and the world needs his continued contribution to health and wellness. He will be on sabbatical from November 2008 through May 2009 for surgical treatment of glaucoma.

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