Thursday, February 22, 2007

More news from Dr. Chu

Chemo went well on Tuesday for Jon. He had the opportunity to see Dr. Chu, not really for an examination but for a conversation and a hug. Dr. Chu told Jon that he would have two months of oral chemo after March 20th. Following the oral chemo we can expect to have another course of intervenous chemo but are unsure on how much and how long. He reminded Jon that, although he is dong remarkably well, he had "a lot of cancer" and we need to make sure it doesn't come back. There also remains the possibility of radiofrequency ablation to remove any tumors that might remain. We are all anxiously anticipating the CT scan in March.

Jon's RBC, hemoglobin, and hematocrit are all on the rise. I think he has even made a believer out of the Theresa, the physicians assistant. His alkaline phosphotase (liver enzyme) has risen slightly in the last two weeks so we are re-evaluating his liver detox supplements with the nutritionist. It should be 110 and had gone up to 124.

All in all Jon is feeling great. His workouts are on the rise and his weight has normalized. His aerobic capacity is still diminished but should improve as his red count continues to rise. We are going to try a mountain bike ride this weekend (on my brand-new mountain bike he gave me for Valentine's Day!) and see how he does. He still requires more sleep than usual, including an afternoon nap, but that is a small price to pay for the process.

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