Sunday, July 15, 2007

Getting Stronger

Today is the first day in months that Jon has officially felt "Good". Yesterday we walked Lakeland Hills together (long steep hill by our house) but he still needed two naps to be able to do it. Today he awoke at 6:30 to go jeeping with Levi and actually seemed like his old self (minus the hair!) His stomach is improving (we'll see how it tolerates six hours of jeeping?) and his energy level, toes, and fingers are much better.

He will begin lifting weights tomorrow and work on getting some strength back. He is planning on taking the month of August off from chemo and then starting back in September. That is one less month than he's allowed but a good compromise between getting strong and getting through the last of the chemos.

Its been a long nine months and I am excited to have the old Jon back, even if its just for a month or two. We might get a short backpacking trip in this summer after all!

1 comment:

Staci said...

When Dad was diagnosed, one of the first things I said to him was, "I want to dance with you at my wedding." I had no groom, no boyfriend even, nothing at the I am FEELING VERY BLESSED that I can see the light at the end of that tunnel. Every time I hear a father-daughter dance type song on the country station I imagine the joyous occassion...and I hope that this time we will be smiling and thankful instead of crying and coughing (while sitting in a chair).