Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Happy Thanksgiving

This Thanksgiving we have so much to be grateful for! I think back on a year ago tonight and I was sitting in my office with the radiologist from Center for Diagnostic Imaging on my land line and two oncologists on my cell phone. Jon had just completed his first MRI and we were working to persuade the oncologist to order a PET scan. At that point we were still unsure of where his cancer had originated and what course of treatment we were going to pursue. Thanksgiving day was particularly difficult because the entire family was here and I still couldn't talk about the Big C. Jon had asked me not to tell anyone until we were clear on the diagnosis and our plan of attack. He also wanted to be sure that we told our children first. Being the talkaholic that I am it was almost impossible for me to keep that kind of secret for nearly a month and celebrate a holiday like nothing was wrong. After Thanksgiving dinner Jon took Levi into his office and gave him the news. I told Elizabeth on the weekend while we stayed in Seattle. The following Tuesday Jon had his first chemo then boarded a plane for California so he could tell Staci. We told Kelsey and Staci simultaneously. Next were our parents, brothers, and sisters...Jon left most of those up to me. It's so weird how burdensome it is to share that kind of news, it pains you to know that what you're about to say will break a persons heart.

As most of you know the rest of the year has been a roller coaster. Jon lost 18 pounds with his first two chemos and his followup CT scan showed no improvement. It was only then that he agreed to see Dr. Chue for a consultation (the first time I suggested it he threw the papers back and me and told me I should "quit listening to that Madison Avenue bullshit!") There isn't a day that goes by that I don't thank God for Dr. Chue. He is the person that gave Jon hope and without hope in this battle you have nothing. In March Jon was hospitalized with double pneumonia where the doctors didn't expect him to live 24 hours. He spent most of June and half of July in bed, on a good day he could make it to the couch. Today he is stronger, healthier and wiser than ever. This has been a journey of the physical and the spiritual, the emotional and the psychological...through it all Jon has managed to keep his sense of humor, strength and determination. We are better for it, both as individuals and as partners. Thanks to everyone for your continued encouragement, prayers, love and support, we could have never made it this far without you.

Happy Thanksgiving!


BobS said...

A happy ThanksGiving to the all of you too. The friend of mine that I shared your Blog with lost his battle last night. Which is a reminder to all of us off how Precious LIFE is. Thank you again for showing Jon's path and that there is HOPE.
Bob Servis

Living the Life.... said...

What a year! Happy Thanksgiving!

Staci said...

In fact, I wrote a poem about how difficult it is telling loved ones about Dad's diagnosis...Great blog Lorri. Hard to believe it's been a year!! God bless. "Madison Avenue bullshit..." Nice, Dad!!!