Tuesday, November 6, 2007

More On Paul and Kelli

Today was Paul Hutton's Memorial Service. The family did an excellent job of celebrating and honoring Paul's life. Kelli and the boys have a tremendous amount of support from both sides of the family and everyone was there in full-force today.

Kelli and I have exchange many e-mails during our cancer battles. As you can imagine the ones over the past few weeks have touched Jon and I deeply. We have asked Kelli's permission to share some of them on our blog. The one that follows was sent two days after Paul's passing.

Hi Lorri,

The weirdest thing happened to me tonight and I just had to share this with you. I will start out by saying that I am not a "ghost" type person, I have never seen anything with my own eyes to think otherwise. Anyway, ever since Paul passed away I have noticed at night that the lamp by our bed has been turned on. Things have been really hectic for me and my mom is staying with me for awhile, so I just figured maybe I forgot to turn it off, or maybe my mom turned it on to make it cozy. However, I still thought it was kind of strange, because I am notoriously obsessive-compulsive about turning off lights when I'm not in the room. Anyway, this morning I couldn't stop thinking about the lamp. So, before I left (had to go to my aunt's funeral) I SPECIFICALLY made sure the lamp was off and SPECIFICALLY made sure the light switch was off (because the lamp is attached to the light switch). Then I DOUBLE CHECKED it and know for certain, it was off. Tonight when I came home and took my shoes off I noticed a glow coming from upstairs. I went up there and sure enough...Our bedroom lamp was on. I had the most warm, comforting feeling come over me, and I just know it was Paul telling me that he's okay. I am just beside myself, because I know with 100% certainty that the light was off when I left!

Is that weird or what???!!!???

1 comment:

Staci said...

What an awesome story...put a smile on my face. She sounds like a strong lady!