Sunday, December 30, 2007

A Happy Holiday

The holiday festivities are starting to wind down and we are excited to ring in 2008.
We had an excellent Christmas. It started with the Nichols Family Christmas at Dan and Sandy's, Sunday the 23rd which was delicious and fun. I even managed to steal the Apples to Apples game (our family favorite) from Levi in the White Elephant Gift Exchange (although he licked the box several times in attempts to dissuade me!) Christmas Eve was me, Jon, Elizabeth, David, Kelsey, Levi, Ericka and Maelie. As with most 18month olds Maelie had little interest in her presents but we managed to get her to open all of them. She is a delight! We all went to the candlelight service on Christmas Eve and I have to admit my favorite part was sitting next to Kelsey as he belted out Silent Night. He has a beautiful voice and it made me cry.

I was grateful to sleep in until 8:00 am Christmas morning! Elizabeth, David, Jon, Kelsey and I opened our stockings and "Santa" gift while we ate cinnamon rolls and drank coffee. Jon was quite pleased with his new padded Carhart bibs and much so that he wore them inside all morning! We had a big breakfast of Eggs Benedict and then released David to spend the rest of the day with his family. Elizabeth and I made a trip to Safeway and it actually snowed! It think that is the first time I've seen snow in Seattle on Christmas Day. Levi spent the day with Erickas family (a story unto itself!) but returned for prime rib Christmas dinner. Kelsey and Levi finished off the day with video games, Elizabeth went back to Bellevue, and Jon and I watched Forrest Gump, one of our favorite movies. I was sad that I didn't get to see my side of the family but managed to talk to most of them on the telephone. My parents were visiting my sister, Barbara in Connecticut where her oldest daughter Alison just returned from six months in France. All she wanted for Christmas was to see her grandparents so I certainly can't argue with that!

Staci and Octavio arrived the next day where we did Christmas all over again. After dinner and gifts they taught Kelsey and I the finer point of poker. Octavio says I have potential but Kelsey is hopeless in the gambling world! Staci ended up the big winner of the night. True to form, Jon watched UFC videos while we played our games.

The next day was Kelsey's 16th birthday. We all spent the day in Seattle sight seeing in the freezing, pouring rain. (Yes, Kelsey we all love you that much!) Dinner was at Rock Bottom and Kelsey positively glowed with excitement. There is nothing he loves more than being surrounded by his siblings and I am eternally grateful for all of them.

Friday night was a fabulous dinner at Tony and Tonya's. Saturday was a day of jeeping and tubing in the snow complete with a big bonfire and roasted hot dogs. Jon left for goose hunting on Saturday while Levi and Kelsey went back for more jeeping on Sunday. Stac, Octavio and I went to church this morning and then I dropped them at the airport for their return to California. I booked a room at the Westin in downtown Seattle for New Year Eve for me, Kelsey, and Levi. Our plan is to go to Seattle Center and ring in 2008 with the big crowd. Jon came back early from hunting but he's not much of a crowd person so the jury is out on his participation. I suggested a good book and a movie at the hotel while the boys and I brave the crowds.

Wow, did I mention I actually managed to work a few days at the office between all that?

Jon enjoyed the holidays and all the time with our family. It seems he was more disappointed in his PET scan results than he initially let on. Although his attitude remains good he is really frustrated with living what he considers a "small" life. Before he was diagnosed he had read an article about "Living Large" and that's what he really wants to do...kind of difficult when you have to go to chemo every Tuesday. He wants to kill grizzly bears and backpack the world. Can't say I blame the guy but I try to encourage him to find pleasure in all of the simple things that surround us. I am grateful that he was able to go goose hunting this weekend which seemed to help alleviate some of his stress.

Since we are still a little puzzled about the PET scan results I telephoned a radiologist friend of mine and asked him to review all three scans with us. We have an appointment on Wednesday during my lunch hour to see him.

I am looking forward to 2008 as a year of continued hope and unlimited possibilities. Happy New Year everyone!


Staci said...

I think being retired in your late 40s IS living large...Life is good.