Saturday, December 1, 2007

Looks like the big, bad Jon has finally hit the wall. He ran out of steam Thursday afternoon and has felt really tired and crappy ever since. I suppose we can't complain after 35 chemos a guy's got to get a little run down. I am trying to convince him to take the Lukiene but not luck so far...I guess I could just surprise him with a syringe in the middle of the night! Chemo is scheduled again for Tuesday but he won't get it if his white count doesn't come up.

We had a visit from our friend Martin and Valerie yesterday on their way back from Hawaii to Montana. It was great to see them and perked Jon up a bit. Kelsey and I are going to get our Christmas tree today and put up the Christmas lights. All the men are planning on going up to the mountains for some jeeping and shooting tomorrow. I hope Jon is up to it, he has a new rifle that he loves and always enjoys the opportunity to hang out with Levi and Kelsey.

1 comment:

Staci said...

Wish I could be there...also: an idea!!! How about woops accidentally sitting on syringe???