Monday, April 14, 2008

Jon continues to feel weak and tired. He probably sleeps about 16 hours a day but still manages a walk up and down Lakeland Hills every couple of days. He also got out in the yard on Saturday and cleaned up the trees that fell down in the spring snowstorm, however that zapped his energy for the rest of the weekend. I will be surprised if his bloodcounts are good enough to receive chemo on Tuesday. They did another blood test to see if he is a good candidate for the Vitamin C infusion and we should get the results back today. Hopefully those will start this week.

He's on a mission to have surgery again. Understandably so since this chemo is not very well tolerated. I spent last night emailing John Hopkins, USC, Stanford and UCLA Medical Centers in hopes of finding a surgeon that will consider the operation. Jon still feels strongly that it's his best option and wants to be ready to go with a surgeon in place when the time is right.

Thank you to everyone who has called and emailed, I apologize for not being able to return all of the phone calls but I am doing pretty good on the emails since I can answer them at random times. We appreciate all of you encouraging words and prayers.

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