Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Platelets On The Rise

Jon has successfully managed to raise his platelets from 90 to 142 with sesame oil. Yes, it's the stuff you buy off the shelf at the specialty grocery store. He takes two tablespoons orally and two topically (you can imagine he's really tried to work that equation with me!) As a result, he was able to receive all of his chemo today and is in good spirits.

Kristi is still visiting from Japan so she did the honors and escorted Jon to chemo today. I took the day off and did all those important things I never get around to like my own doctors appointments, laundry, oil change, etc. I'm just about to pick up Kelsey to take him job hunting before his guitar lesson at 5.

We had a good trip to Vancouver last weekend. I attended meetings and Jon napped in the hotel room during the day. We had dinner with some of the other Commission members and it was a great opportunity for Jon to get to know more of my colleagues. Last Friday I was short staffed at the office so Jon showed up in the afternoon wearing a button down shirt and his "dress" black jeans to fill in for my receptionist. I don't think Sarah is in any danger of being replaced but it was pretty entertaining to watch him interact with all of my patients. I have to admit there is never a dull moment around here.

So we're on track for having next week off to celebrate Ocativo and Staci's nuptials on the 20th!

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