Tuesday, October 16, 2007

The Week Off

Levi, welcome to the computer age, Excellent Post!!!

FYI everyone, Jon bought a new pair of jeans yesterday :)

Jon felt great all weekend and called excitedly to tell me he "hiked right up that mountain" while hunting in the Methow Valley. Got back home Sunday night and started back on the evil Tarceva last night. He says if he starts feeling poorly he will stop it and check with Dr. Chue on an alternative during his weeks off.

So today is an all around excellent day. Jon feels and looks great. His hair is growing back, he's put on a few pounds, and is in good spirits. Today is also my birthday, we have the day off from chemo and I have the day off work. Our plan is to lounge around most of the day and go out to dinner tonight with the family. It's so nice to have Elizabeth back on this side of the mountain for these occasions.

So it looks like Jon will be feeling well for Staci and Octavio's wedding. I am so grateful that he's in good shape for the trip! We leave Thursday morning for the festivities and will be back late Sunday night. I will post some pictures early next week.

1 comment:

BobS said...

Hey guys! I just want you all to know we're always thinking off you. Because of the Blog we get to see how Jon's doing. One of my motorcycle Buddies from California was diagnosed with Lung Cancer. I sent him the Blog to give him some alternatives and HOPE. I started one of my own.( I did barrow it's name from you) I'll add the link. Thoughts and Prayers are always with you.
BOB Servis
