Tuesday, March 25, 2008

First Day Back

Jon started the new chemo today and it all went pretty well. This time he is not required to take benadryl or steroids as premeds. The steroids make him hyper for a day or two then he has a "crash" when they wear off. They also are responsible for the loss of calcium in his bones that have caused the vertebra collapse. He happy to avoid any drug that he can. His blood work was good and he's been hitting the supplements hard for the last month. Dr. Chue was even impressed with his white count.

Jon leaves tomorrow for a visit to Staci. Staci and Octavio, be warned that the primary side effect is nausea. I am hoping that he doesn't repeat his visit last year when he puked all over your truck! I will try to stash some compazine in his suitcase just in case.

Kelsey has gotten into running in the past month and generally runs 2-3 mile per day. After we did the Columbia Tower Stair Climb he decided that he wants to compete in 5k races. Jon, Kelsey and I are signed up for a 5 mile race through Soaring Eagle Park on Sunday Morning (Jon's Birthday). I have another cycling training ride Saturday and haven't run in over a year. These guys are killing me!!!

1 comment:

Staci said...

Why do you always send him down here when he's nauseous? Thanks for the warning - it's not like he said anything :-) I have just suggested this blog for a pancreatic cancer support link on this website:


Also, some exciting news! I have an opportunity to become a full-time freelance writer for Mercola.Com, the #1 natural health website. My "job interview" consists of doing an extensive 15-20 page report on fighting pancreatic cancer holistically...The topic was my choice!