Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Every day is a better day. Jon's mostly just very tired and still sleeps a lot. Yesterday we spent the day with Elizabeth looking at some retail spaces for the botiques she strives to open one day. It's a few years off but she is very motivated and its fun to plan and dream with her.

Afteward Kelsey, Elizabeth, and I had our Tarot Cards read (Jon slept in the car). The women told us all that Jon would be cured, I was coming out of a dark period in my life (thank God!), Elizabeth would have twins, and Kesley would become a doctor after college on the eastcoast. All sounds good to me.

We then had dinner with Kristi on the way back to Sumner. It was good to have some time with her and she continues to amaze me with her strength.

1 comment:

us00d said...

we're pulling for you nichols. grass mountain is calling..........