Friday, August 22, 2008

Well we thought we were a little wiser this time around but to quote Jon, "Just when you think you've seen it all..." He remained in severe pain with vomiting most of the evening. Fortunately the Dilaudid finally kicked in and made the pain manageable. After that they were able to give him meds for sleep and nausea. It's 8am and he's still asleep. They should be here shortly to take him for his CT scan.

Although Jon is in severe pain the surgeons are very pleased with the procedure and the amount of cancer they were able to kill. They treated a portion of both the right and left lobe that had the highest concentration of cancer and are confident that they were successful. They both expect Jon to have this degree of pain because of the intensity of the treatment. Jon shook their hands and thanked them. After all, this is about killing cancer and we all know Jon's favorite saying, "Pain is weakness leaving the body." I think I'll give him that tshirt to wear when we get home.

After the CT scan they will attempt to move him from IV to oral Dialudid. If that will control the pain we will still be able to go home today.

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