Friday, November 21, 2008

The results of Jon's scans were disappointing to say the least. Not only had there been no improvement in the liver as a result of the three chemoembolizations but the disease has actually progressed in the left lobe. Dr Gosswami was visibly surprised and frustrated that what he thought had been an outstanding procedure had no effect. He is recommending that Jon proceed with the Y90 (radioactive isotopes) as we had originally discussed and also begin systemic chemo to address the tumor in his lung as well as the two lymph nodes in his abdomen that have now increased in size (they had been stable for the past two years). Dr Chue is still on sabbatical and we will move forward with Dr Cunningham who is treating patients in Dr. Chue's absence. I expect he will have his first chemotherapy next week and the Y90 embolization sometime in December.

Jon was stoic through the entire visit. He only commented that he "didn't really want to go back to chemotherapy, it sucks."

I am battening down the hatches for the upcoming storm.


flowerdove2168 said...

I basically don't know where to start, except to just say: "WOO-HOOOO" !!!!!!!! I accidentally came across an article regarding an ACTUAL CURE for twelve (12) strains of cancer, and all I can do is repost what I saw. Let me just explain, that I found this by a fluke, searching for info on somethingelse, and saw this. PLEASE TELL EVRYONE YOU KNOW !! IT IS AVAILABLE AT SUPER SUPPLEMENTS, and is quite inexpensive. Tell afriend, save a life !! Here it is: GRAVIOLA. PLEASEREAD:_____________________
Cancer Cure: The Story About Graviola and Cancer
The National Cancer Institute (NCI) is one of the National Institutes of Health (NIH). In 1998, the NIH created the 27th NIH, the NCCAM, the National Center for Complimentary and Alternative Medicine. It studies the health benefits of natural dietary supplements.
The NCI receives over two billion dollars annually in federal funds. Call them at 1-800-4-CANCER and get free information on any type of cancer. They tested over 20,000 different plants and found that the leaves of the graviola tree, that grows in the Amazon rainforest, can kill cancer cells.

They sent this information to the drug companies. A drug company spent millions of dollars testing graviola and found it to be the "magic bullet." That is something that would kill only cancer cells, but not the healthy cells. In other words-- a cancer cure or cure for cancer.

flowerdove2168 said...

Graviola - the astounding natural cancer killer you almost never heard about>>>COPY AND PASTE THIS LINK FOR FREE FULL REPORT DIRECTLY TO YOUR E-MAIL >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

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Today, the future of cancer treatment and the chances of survival look more promising than ever. With extracts the powerful Graviola tree, it may now be possible to…

conquer cancer safely and effectively with an all-natural therapy that doesn't cause extreme nausea, weight loss, and hair loss
protect your immune system and evade deadly infections
feel strong and healthy throughout the course of treatment
effectively target and kill malignant cells in 12 different types of cancer, including colon, breast, prostate, lung, and pancreatic cancer
selectively hunt down and kill cancer cells without harming healthy cells, unlike chemotherapy
But news of this amazing Amazon plant was nearly lost forever. The spine-chilling truth demonstrates just how easily our health - even our very lives -are controlled by money and power.

The National Cancer Institute performed the first scientific research in 1976. The results showed that Graviola's "leaves and stems were found effective in attacking and destroying malignant cells." Inexplicably, the results were published in an internal report and never released to the public…

Then one of America's biggest billion-dollar drug companies zeroed in on Graviola. But the corporation had a huge problem… Graviola is a natural substance, so, under federal law, it can't be patented. There's no way to make serious profits from it. Once they figured that out, their Graviola testing came to a screeching halt. What's worse, though, is that this unscrupulous company shelved the entire project and chose not to publish the findings of its research!

But one scientist from the Graviola research team couldn't let this amazing discovery remain hidden. Risking his career, he contacted a company that's dedicated to harvesting medical plants from the Amazon Rainforest and told them what he knew. So that company shifted into high gear and began to research Graviola in earnest. They found that several other teams in the United that had been testing Graviola in the lab, with results that supported the drug company's secret findings: Graviola was proven to kill cancer cells. And, thanks to that lone researcher with a conscience, a small natural medicine company bravely took the initiative in making this promising cure available.

Since then, HSI has kept working with this company and others conducting ongoing research on this remarkable natural cancer-fighting extract. And, after years of silence and hidden research, we felt a responsibility to bring this information to you right now.

And that's what HSI is all about: bringing you the kinds of natural cures you would never otherwise hear about. We're here to help you discover safe, natural ways to treat even deadly diseases like cancer - without the unbearable side effects or high cost of conventional treatments. And you can learn about this proven cancer cure - including how to purchase this natural treatment from a reliable source - in this FREE report from the doctors and researchers at the HSI.

Simply enter your email address in the signup box and click "Get My FREE Report" for instant access to The Almost Hidden Rainforest Discovery That Wipes Out Deadly Cancers. When you do, you will also receive - absolutely FREE - a subscription to the daily HSI e-Alert sent directly to you via email.

From natural medicine breakthroughs to the expensive drugs you may not need (after all, radiation and chemotherapy can cost thousands), the HSI e-Alert gives you all the urgent health news - and warnings - you need to take care of yourself and your family.

Just enter your email address in the signup box to get your free report and activate your free subscription. And, rest assured, at the Health Sciences Institute, we value and protect your privacy. We will never give your email address to anyone, and there are easy unsubscribe instructions in every email you'll receive.

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The Almost Hidden Rainforest Discovery That Wipes Out Deadly Cancers

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