Sunday, November 2, 2008

So far I am not impressed with Jon's ability to handle his cancer schedule. I figured since he's feeling well I should let him schedule his PET scan, MRI and investigate the Photo Dynamic Therapy. It's been two weeks and so far nothing is scheduled and we have no more information on the PDT. I suppose he is really sick of the entire thing and doesn't want to call them three times a day but honestly that is what it takes when dealing with and entity as large as the UW. If we don't have anything on the books by Monday I will assume my advocate role.

Patients of Dr. Chue have been emailing and we've basically formed a support group to survive while he is on leave. I've been doing some additional research on publishing his article and have had some great advice from Mari and her sister. We need permission to reformat the article and submit it to the appropriate publications.

Jon's up to 175 pounds, working out three days/week and started duck hunting for some fun. We had the duck for dinner tonight...definitely not my favorite but if you smother it in plum sauce it is reasonably edible. He leaves for a deer hunt on the 11th through the 17th and we are all excited about my parents visiting for Thanksgiving.

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