Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Tomorrow is the big day with Jon's PET scan and MRI. The PET scan will be of his entire body and the MRI will be the liver. We are most concerned about the spot in his right lung and the efficacy of the chemoembolizations on the liver. We see Dr. Gosswami on Friday to get the results. Dr. Chue is on leave and Jon has not yet selected his "stand-in" oncologist. I think he is hoping Dr. Gosswami can just take over but that is unlikely since he specializes in intervention oncology. I do have a call in to Dr. Chue regarding his article and am hoping to be also able to discuss Jon's case with him when I he calls back.

My parents have been visiting from Pennsylvannia and we are having an excellent time. It is so nice being around optimistic, loving people! My Dad will be escorting Jon tomorrow for the scans and I will go for the results on Friday.

Please keep the postive thought and prayers coming for this week.

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