Saturday, March 3, 2007

Sick of Being Sick

Jon has had a pretty tough week. He had been struggling with a headcold for the last month that has progressed into a respiratory infection. The doctor gave him some antibiotics on Tuesday, of course he refused to take them. Finally after a week of low energy, fever, and body aches he started his zpack last night. Hopefully he will start to feel better this weekend. As you can imagine, after eleven chemos his body is pretty depleted. We are really not sure if his fatigue is from the cold or all the chemo. His blood work remains good. White cells normal, red cells only slightly low, and alkaline phosphotase slightly elevated. All good signs that he is holding up well, all things considered. Three more chemos to go before the next CT scan.

True to form, Jon has still managed to get a few weight workouts and walks in this week. He even went to the airport on Thursday to get on a plane to take him to the Collegiate National Wrestling Championships to watch our nephew Kyle wrestle for a National Title. Unfortunately, the flights were cancelled due to snowstorms in the midwest and he was unable to go. Although it was probably for the best, considering how sick he's been, Jon was disappointed he was not able to watch Kyle compete. So far Kyle has won all of his matches and continues to compete today. We are cheering for you from home, Kyle!

I hear rumors of more haircuts on the way and am awaiting emails of any pictures you might have. For the record, although Jon may appear completely bald in the pictures, he actually has the same haircut as all the other men (I believe its a #2). It's just his hair has turned so grey you can't see it very well! It will be interesting to see how it grows back after chemo. It kind of looks like goose down these days.

Thanks again to everyone for all of the recent photos, emails, cards, phonecalls, prayers, and support. It keeps us going strong during weeks like this.

1 comment:

Staci said...

Good job taking care of the old guy Dr. Poo! Thanx for watching over my dad :-) He can be a real stinker.