Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Today's Bloodwork

Jon's alkaline phosphotase was down to 110! {Normal is 38-114, 195 at his worst}.
An excellent indicator of liver function. His red cell counts are all low and he doesn't have much energy these days (except the day after chemo when he's pumped full of steroids!)He is still too high for any Procrit to increase his oxygen level. I've been force feeding him rasberry leaf tea to help his red count so hopefully we'll see some improvement.

CT scan next week...still waiting on the day and time.

The hair on his head keeps growing in like goose down (pure white and soft) but the hair on his legs and back is starting to fall out. Pretty wierd!


Staci said...

GREAT NEWS!!!!!!!!!!!

Tony said...

If his hair looks to much like down Jon might make a vest or gloves out of it.