Monday, May 26, 2008

Memorial Weekend

Its been an interesting weekend around here...

Jon has finally stopped vomiting and is able to hold a few foods down. Homemade, organic chicken soup broth, jello made only with fruit juice and fresh fruits (bananas are good but blueberries make him puke, go figure??) eggs work and any kind of organic meat. Absolutely no dairy products. Diarrhea is slowing down but I wouldn't call it anywhere near normal. He is really thin and I try to continuously feed him small amounts of the foods that agree with him. He slept most of the day but made it to the couch for a movie and ate dinner with the rest of us.

I spent most of the weekend working in the yard and would just check on him every few hours. I have to admit his attitude has improved tremendously since we've seen Dr. Goswami and he's even managed a "thank you" now and again. He had the epiphany today that he may not ever need to have another chemotherapy. He's also still talking about what he's going to do with himself for work, apparently he and Paul have decided that guiding hunts in Alaska does not qualify as a "real job". I told him that I already knew that :)

Although he still feels pretty awful, I would say that this weekend he has spent a lot more time thinking about living and far less time thinking about dying. I honestly haven't seen him this postive since our first meeting with Dr. Chue.

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