Tuesday, May 20, 2008

We were fortunate today to have one of Jon's Alaska hunting guide buddies, Paul, accompany us to chemo. It really good for Jon to stay connected to his "old life" and it did him a world of good to have some guy time. Last night, we had dinner with his friend, Travis, who was here on business and over the weekend he camped with Levi in his new camper trailer. An outstanding few days for a guy that's been stuck on the couch for months.

His blood work is complete crap...platelets in the double digits and a hematocrit of 24. Tomorrow is our appointment with Dr. Goswami at the University of Washington and I looking forward to scheduling a PET scan and having the SIRT. It appears that Jon needs two weeks off of chemo before moving forward with this new procedure so that should put him in the first week of June if he calls it quits at #9/12 with Dr. Chue's blessing.

More tomorrow after the big appointment.

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