Thursday, January 4, 2007

Can a Person Have Fun at Chemotherapy?

If I didn't know better I would say that Jon actually enjoyed his chemo yesterday. He continues to be impressed with the efficiency, knowledge, and professionalism of SCWC. He couldn't say enough about the doctors, nurses, and administrative staff. (For all of you that know how demanding he is you can appreciate how good they must be!) Jon also enjoyed his visitors and indulging in the sugary treats.

He is feeling remarkably well today and is planning on duck hunting tomorrow with Staci. They're putting it off until tomorrow, not because he feels poorly, but because he wants to get a weight workout in before he goes. Just a side note: The nurses guarantee he will lose all of his hair this time around. He doesn't like having any "outward signs" that he is a cancer patient so I suggested he tell people he is a UFC wrestler-lots of them have shaved heads and it really suits his personality!


Staci said...

So it'll be like the time Levi told her pre-school teacher that our Dad was a professional wrestler? HA! Love you bro :-D

Staci said...

OOOPS!!! I meant "his"...