Tuesday, January 9, 2007

Jon had a rough night last night. He went to Levi's for dinner and ended up falling asleep on the couch most of the night with a fever, headache, and fatigue. He finally managed to get up and drive home (motivated by his thoughts of white willow bark in the pantry that is a fever reducer). He thinks the reaction is the new chemo but I think its the flu since Staci and I have the same symptoms to a lesser degree. At any rate, he felt better this morning and was well enought to go goose hunting with Rex, Mike, and Eric. (Yes, we all know that they are calling for the winter's worst snow storm tonight!) Kelsey and I are hunkered down with homemade chicken soup and biscuits, expecting now school tomorrow!

1 comment:

Staci said...

Snow, huh? I got tired of blowing the A/C full blast yesterday. Then there's that pesky squinting from the bright sun. Had to dig my sunglasses out of the center console in the car. It was terrible.