Saturday, December 20, 2008

I've come to the conclusion that Jon is attempting to hunt himself to death rather than deal with cancer. Honestly, he duck hunts from 6 in the morning til 6 at night every chance he gets. He is happier than I have seen him in a very long time. The cold weather has driven all the water fowl to the duck blind and he says that his time there is more beautiful then the Planet Earth videos can every depict. His long-time friend Rex has joined him the past few days and the two of them are quite a pair. Rex has survived three plane crashes and comes equipped with titanium vertebra. In the last two days they have both broken through the ice and got soaked up to their chests (Rex) or their wallets (Jon). Jon says they have become like the two old guys in Second Hand Lions (great movie if you haven't seen it.) We all had dinner together last night and Rex and I shared a few tears while Jon slept in my car.

So tonight we are all home by the fire. Jon is grateful and satisfied with his recent adventures. Kelsey has a gaggle of friends over that have been snowboarding and sledding down our hill. We have just finished dinner and I am happy to know my family is all safe and warm on this blustery, snowy night.

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