Tuesday, December 30, 2008

We had to forgo our duck hunting plans in lieu of Jon getting his port. He had an appointment yesterday but SCTWC hadn't sent the appropriate paperwork so he had to do it today. Jon's doing ok, mostly tired and unhappy about all of the antibiotics they gave him for the port surgery. He's decided to skip chemo tomorrow and give himself a week to get his strength back. On a positive note we have both noticed some shrinkage in the size of his abdomen so hopefully the chemo is having an effect.

I spoke to Dr. Chen and Dr. Gosswami today. Dr Gosswami felt that radiofrequency ablation in the pancreas is too risky so that is officially off of the table. Dr. Chen gave me all of the info on Photodynamic Therapy and it sounds promising. Unfortunately, Jon is not a candidate at this time because they are only testing liver and colon cancer right now, however, it is possible that he will be a candidate by spring for the newer studies. I am still waiting to hear about the genetic testing and Revlimid. I did talk to another one of Dr. Chues patients who is using the Revlimide with Zoloda an doing well. That is also anther option should this current chemotherapy prove intolerable.

1 comment:

Lori B said...

Happy New Year Jon and Lorri,

You are an amazing couple of people! If I had the power I would gift you with honorary medical degrees!

I hope that the new year brings Jon many ducks to shoot at (and hopefully miss...run ducky, run!) and more ski days for you, Lorri.
XO Lori B