Wednesday, December 20, 2006


Jon had his CT scan yesterday and we received the results. So far there has been no further metastasis(spreading) of the cancer, however the tumors in the liver have not diminished in number or size. The pancrease still looks completely normal. We are pleased that in the six weeks since the original CT there is no more metastasis, however, we are disappointed that the chemotherapy was not effective in shrinking the tumors. So here is Plan B...We have requested a second pathology reading of the biopsy. Since the chemo was ineffective we want to make sure that the pancrease is definitely the primary site. Next we have an appointment with Dr. Chu at the Seattle Cancer and Wellness Center who is having excellent results with his new chemo cocktail treating pancreatic cancer. We also are sending Jon's records to Seattle Cancer Care Alliance (Fred Hutchison Cancer Reasearch and University of Washington Medical Center combined). They are currently conducting a study where an individuals cancer is grown in a laboratory and antibodies are made that fight it. Your own antibodies are then injected into your body that can fight your specific cancer. Our third option is to take the cells from Jon's biopsy and grow them in the lab and test specific chemotherapy agents to determine which chemo is most effective. This procedure is also performed at the Seattle Cancer and Wellness Center. Since chemo is so hard on the body we want to make sure that the next series is the most effective agent we can find. In the meantime we will continue all of the supplements, acupuncture, etc. Jon and I both attribute the lack of metastasis to the natural methods we've been utilizing since the chemo did not shrink the existing tumors. Lastly, we have a follow up appointment with Dr. Liao, our original oncologist, but doubt we will continue under his care. Looks like all our further treatment will be with the specialists in Seattle.

Keep the prayers and positive thoughts coming! Thank you for all of your love and support.

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