Saturday, December 2, 2006

The story begins

Here is how this whole thing started...over the past year Jon has noticed a decline in his workouts (you all know he has tracked them since he was 12 years old!). He also has had a mild discomfort under his right rib cage. Of course, he was kicked in the rib and knocked unconscious during a Taekwondo tournament last year so we didn't think all that much of it. In October his energy level declined and he began to feel nauseous. Before we left for our Riggins, Idaho hunting trip he saw our family doctor (Dr. Day). She thought it was a gall bladder problem but thankfully ordered some liver function tests. While we were in Idaho Jon began to take some liver and gall bladder cleansing herbs. By the time we got home he was feeling great. The doctor called and told us his liver enzymes were abnormal and she wanted an ultrasound of his liver. Jon, of course, thought it was unecessary but begrudgingly agreed to go along with her. Immediately after the ultrasound Dr. Day called him into her office and told him they had found metastatic cancer in the liver (cancer that had spread from somewhere else in the body). He, of course, told me everything was fine and that they thought he had gall stones. Knowing Jon and having women's intuition I badgered him for the truth. A few days later he showed me the utrasound report. Since then he has had a CT scan, liver biopsy, MRI, and PET scan. The oncologist believes that the cancer started in his pancreas and spread to his liver and one spot in his lung. None of the test show the cancer actually in the pancreas but there are two lymph nodes outside the pancreas that have cancer. He had his first chemotherapy on November 28th which he tolerated fairly well. He visited Staci Nov 30-Dec 2 and had some side effects (fatigue, nausea, and vomitting) on his return home. His next visit to the oncologist is December 5 and he will have another chemo in 1-2 weeks. The oncolgist is optimistic that Jon will respond well to the chemo and was anxious to get started as pancreatic cancer is very aggresive. He will have a second CT scan in January to determine the efficacy of the chemotherapy. We have researched all the natural supplements that fight cancer and support the body during chemo and he is on a good program. He is receiving acupuncture. We also have an appointment on December 12 with a naturopath who specializes in cancer treatment. Our plan is to hit it with everything we've got!!

1 comment:

steve said...

Hello Jon,
Wobble here just writing to say hang in there your the one person that I know that will not let anything stop you so get better so when I move down next year we can get together with our new wife's and talk about the last three years.Take care & god bless your family and have a wonderfull holiday.
Steve & Pam Carroll