Tuesday, December 12, 2006

You gotta take the good with the bad

A pretty tough day for Jon. Extreme fatigue and moderate nausea. It is hard to imagine anyone as strong as he is feeling this way, but I know that this is what it will take to get him through it.

Our visit with Dr. Reilly went really well. He suggested to Jon that we use a rifle and not a shot gun in our supplement approach. I had to laugh, boy did he have Jon pegged! He fine-tuned our program and offered some new options we had not considered. We see him again in 6 weeks.

Since his diagnosis Jon has eliminated all sweets and processed sugars. Even though he is a "health nut" he has always succumbed to his sweet tooth. One of Dr. Reilly's recommendations was to elimate sugar except for the day of chemo. Chemotherapy affects active cancer cells and they THRIVE on sugar. So Jon gets to "junk out" the morning of chemo on any sweets he wants! That made him smile. His next chemo is December 28, still in time for Christmas goodies!


Staci said...

I love you Dad

Martin said...

Nichols, Chemo sounds bad but how do you think it compares to scrubbing yourself with a stiff bristle brush like that Gunny in "With the Old Guard"? Thinking of you.