Monday, January 12, 2009

Back at Auburn Regional Medical

Jon was feeling a little punky on Sunday, enough not to go duck hunting or church, neither of which he misses often. We went to Fred Meyer for a few groceries and while we were there he broke out in a cold sweat and felt very weak. When we got home he said he just needed to rest and would be fine. We had plans to go out to dinner to celebrate Ericka and Kelsey's birthdays but he decided to stay home to rest and watch some football.

In the middle of the night I heard him in the bathroom, when I went to check on him he was sitting on the toilet, vomiting blood all over the bathroom. He didn't want to go to the hospital and promised he would go in the morning. In another hour he was up vomiting all over again and finally agreed to go to the ER R 2:30am.

This time the care was excellent from the minute we walked in the door. They remembered him from last week and got him immediately into a room and on an IV. He was vomiting so much blood that they started blood transfusions immediately. Once they got him admitted the did another endocscopy but where unable to find the bleed. The doctor did, however remove all the blood and clots from his stomach which helped him feel better. Next they repeated the abdominal angiogram but again couldn't find the bleed. So far he's received 4 pints of blood and IV protonix to stop the bleeding. At this point it seems to have stopped but it's disconcerting that we can't find the source. I told the GI doctors that taking him home to "watch and see" if he bleeds again is an unacceptable option and that when I called to make a GI specialist appointment they couldn't get him in until January 26. The doctor said he would write a standing order for a radiation blood tagging procedure and we could come immediately if we suspected any bleed. He would also then be seen immediately by the GI specialist on duty.

A day or two ago I noticed Jon's breath having a strange odor. After he vomited blood I could tell that is what I had been smelling. Jon also neglected to tell me that he was having black diarrhea again on Sunday night. I will be now more aware of watching for the smell and hopefully Jon will report any more bleeding from the other end and we can go in immediately for the test.

With the bleeding we cannot proceed with chemo or any other treatments at this point except for maybe the revlamide (oral chemo that is more of a maintenance that treatment). I am hoping Jon will be released from the hospital by Wednesday, his color was good and he was stabilized so I am spending the night at home. I need to get some real sleep and spend time with Kelsey. Thanks to everyone who came by to sit with Jon so I could come home and get everything cleaned up. I'll be back at the hospital first thing tomorrow morning.

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