Friday, January 16, 2009

I left Jon's room this morning for 10 minutes to get a cup of coffee, when I returned Jon was not in his bed and his nurse was scurrying around in a huff. He had decided after barely moving for 72 hrs it was time to get up and go to the bathroom, alone. He had pulled out all his wires and monitors, but salvaged the IVs. The nurse was so frazzled and pissed off but I just had to laugh and tell her " He must be feeling better". Typical Jon! She put an alarm on his bed and a bed pan. I told her there's no way he will use that so let's just agree that if I leave for 5 minutes I will let her know and wecan just help him to the bathroom next time

1 comment:

Meryl McKean said...

Don't you just know by the time he leaves ICU, Jon will have made that nurse one of his best friends! How does he do that? He's just an act of nature, elemental as the wind, or a hurricane maybe.
Lorri, you paint such a clear picture, I can see it all and hear you laughing.
Love, Perilous Merylous