They are still unable to locate the exact spot of the bleed but are still preparing for the angiogram. The doctors have decided to transfer Jon to the UW for higher level care. He should go today or tomorrow. Jon is asking for visitors to hold off for today, I would say family only for now.
Lorri, if you need anything please let me know. I am also close by. I really want to stop by after work today to see Jon, but I'm not sure if he will be moved yet or not. I know he's tired so I wouldn't stay long at all... just let me know because I'm just right down the street and I get off at 3:30. my cell is 253-370-9493 or you can call me at work 253-931-5138 if you need anything at all. I love you both and am always thinking of you guys!
I love the vision of our Jon under the ministrations of a "Vladimir".
Women aren't the only ones with magic though we would like to claim it for ourselves. To Jon and Lorri and the whole family, Warren and I send an abundance of love and healing energy your way and a wish for a host of powerful man-spirited Vlads to care for Jon during his stay at the Seattle Health Spa. If you get a whiff of sage inhale deeply!
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