Friday, December 29, 2006

Staying Strong

Dr. Chu telephoned today to tell me he spoke to the UW and they ruled out testicular cancer. We are proceeding with treatment for pancreatic cancer on Wednesday at the Seattle Cancer and Wellness Center. Check out their website: and the story of Aaron Barrett, pancreatic cancer survivor. Jon and I are looking forward to meeting him soon. Jon's next chemo will consist of Gemzar and Taxil. He has already been using the Gemzar which has been somewhat effective, but Dr. Chu is adding the Taxil for optimum results.
With the lower dose, more frequently they expect little or no side effects from the chemo.

We also received the results of Jon's recent liver function tests (alkaline phosphotase) which has been reduced by 22 points since he started chemo. He has 60 points to go until he is in the normal range, but it is a sign that what we are doing is working to some extent.

He is home working out right now as I finish up a day at the office. Keep him in your thoughts and prayers-he is staying strong!

1 comment:

Staci said...

I read the story about Mr. Barrett. If he was in & out of intensive care units when his pancreatic cancer was at stage 4 (the same as Dad's), then we have A LOT to be hopeful for. Additionally, Dr. Chu's passion is contagious! I hope I get the opportunity sometime to tell him what that alone has done for us. Dad told me on the phone today that Dr. Chu was so enthusiastic he seemed like he was going to pee his pants!