Friday, April 24, 2009

Jon passed away in my arms tonight at 10:12pm. Staci had been sitting with him playing some of his favorite music and had taken a break to get some food. I lied down and sang to him from the songs he had gifted me during our courtship.
It was peaceful and loving, just how we wanted it. Staci, Octavio, Levi, Elizabeth, Kristi, Kelsey, Ericka, Wyatt, my mom and dad were there within minutes to share the moment with us.

We are planning a memorial service next Saturday, May 2 at Brooklake Community Church in Federal Way. We will give you more information as it becomes available.

Thank you to everyone for your love, support, prayers and positive words throughout this journey. We could have never made it this far without you.


Anonymous said...

Lorri, I admire everything about you. Your love, devotion, strength, intelligence....I could not ask to work for a better person. I can't believe that someone as successful and intelligent as you are can also be someone as caring and honorable. Whatever you need done at work, let us know. Everyone is there for you. You do what you have to do.

Unknown said...

Thanks for sharing the past few years with all of us. In the face of all that was happening to him, there was always something you'd post that would bring a smile to my face just knowing that that truely was something that Jon would do or say. You've helped us all recreate great memories of Jon that will live on.

BobS said...

I also want to thank you Lorri. Jon has always been a special person, Your love had made him more so. My Heart goes out to you and the Families. I'll be there Sat. as well as Margo.
Bob Servis

KoKo and KASS said...

Lorri, Your unwavering love and devotion is beyond words - God Bless you and your family - Jon was a complete fighter and he was blessed to have you to stand along side him.

Donna Bardwell said...

May you find peace on the other side of sorrow.
May you find comfort on the other side of loss.
And most of all, may you find in the sad farewell, that love lives on in the memories of the heart.
With Deepest Sympathy

Donna Bardwell