Thursday, April 23, 2009

Jon rested comfortably all day today. Staci and Octavio arrived early in the morning to take over nursing duties. Kelsey stayed home from school and he and I ran some errands and had lunch together at our favorite spot. More family and friends came by to visit with Jon and spent the afternoon and evening. Today Jon actually opened his eyes a few times and acknowledged his visitors from time to time. He even managed an "I love you, Pooh." when I gave him his most recent dose of meds.

He received his last rights today at Granny's request and everyone felt that the ceremony was meaningful. I can't imagine being in Granny's place and admire her strength and perseverance.

Sandy arrived early this morning with large crock pot full of soup to feed all the troops throughout the day. Tonya came by with more of her famous cookies.
Kristi brought me a beautiful bouquet of tulips. My mom cooked her delicious breaded chicken. Dan and Levi called me first thing this morning asking me exactly what I want and need for today.

Tonight Levi and I worked on making and mailing statements to Jon's properties so that he, Ericka and Staci can begin to assume some of the responsibilities that are ahead of them.

Wyatt was here most of the afternoon and evening to give us all our dose of "Baby Chi"

I don't even know who all to thank anymore. All I know is whatever Jon and I need there is some family member or friend standing there to provide it.

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